Complete Your


Farm Credit Express will loan on any new or used (within 20 years) equine trailer!

The Hitch & Tow offers credit based financing through Farm Credit Express at competitive, fixed, interest rates for up to 7 years.

For financing, please fill out and submit the application below.

For additional information about how to submit an application, contact The Hitch & Tow at 803-989-0233

    First Name*

    Middle Name

    Last Name*

    Social Security Number*

    Date of Birth*



    Street Address*



    Zip Code*

    Living Arrangements*

    Monthly Rent/Mortgage Payment*

    Length of Time at Current Address*

    Employer Name*

    Job Title*

    Employer Phone*

    Length of Employment*

    Insurance Company*

    Insurance Agent's Name*

    Insurance Agent's Phone Number*

    Annual Income*

    Down Payment Amount*

    Amount to Finance*

    Years to Finance*

    Applicant Additional Income Information

    Complete "Other Income" and "Source of Other Income" only if you want this income considered for repayment. Enter monthly amount. Alimony, child support or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.

    Other Income Amount (Monthly)

    Other Income Source

    Trailer Information

    What trailer(s) are you interested in:

    Please include any additional information or options that you would like:

    By clicking on "Submit Credit Application", I acknowledge and declare that I have read and agree with the Application Disclosure above. I certify that I have provided complete and true information in this application.